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Wii Games For Neogamma

카테고리 없음

by rciferercen1974 2020. 2. 26. 03:48


I had install a copy when I first softmodded my Wii years ago. Never did get it to work or never tried. It is a Channel if I remember correctly R6. At lease It is on my Wii Menu and boots up with nothing to support it on the SD card. I also tried putting R8 on the SD card and booting form the HomeBrew Channel. With both cases when I try to load a GC backup Either a multi game or single game DVD+R the Wii simply reboots. What is going on?

R8 warns me of the get go the my CIOS is v12 and I my have a.001 error. Can someone point me down the correct path. Click to expand.Thank you for some feed back.

I did go ahead and installed CIOS38Rev17, but still when I launch the game from the wii clickety clicks, TV goes black and then the wii reboots to the system Menu. Its been a real long time since I tried using Blank DVD's and never really did spend much time with them My reasoning to Softmod was to get away from replacing games and the USB drive system was my solution. But when I did i Used Sony DVD+R as i have now. I have burned 3 disk (one Multi game, one single game, and one single game changing the Book type) all still with the same results.Thanks for any more input anyone can offer. I have some progress. I went to try another thread found to use GamecubeLoader R0.2.

Tried to just run the rungcbackup from HBC. Same results.

How To Play Burned Wii Games

Wii Games For Neogamma

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So I did step one Ran miospatcher and chose 'Patch MIOS V8'. What do you know Neogamma now launches the R0.2 Gamecube Launcher with no SD card in the slot. So at one time I must have install GCLauncher but not patched the MIOS. Any how GC Backups now Launch VIA the Disk Channel, NeoGamma R6 (as Wii Channel)and NeoGamma R8 (from HBC), and finally GameCube Launcher R0.2 from HBC.

I must Have at one time loaded the GC Launcher R0.2.Wad file for the Disk channel and NeoGamma to function I was just missing the Patched MIOS. As a final note all three DVD I burnt work too. All Sony DVD+R one as single game, one as a multi Game, and one as Single game Book Type DVD-ROM.????Didn't seem to load the Save Game Data.

Why?boldUpdate/More Questions/boldI read a post out on the that spoke about the possibility of not being able to load original games via the Disk channel OW NO! And to use MIOSv4. I tested my current setup and here is what I found GC Launcher R0.2 tries to load the game but fails. I have not been able to completely read the error because the game then launch as one might expect.????is this what is supposed to Happen?The save game data did load with these Originals in play.

As for the Backed up game I no longer have a working copy of that but did have save game data from it.????Should the backup load these same Save files?